Ini adalah artikel tentang settingDial Up PPP di Linux yang ditulis oleh rekan CyberBug
(Kecoak Elektronik). Tanpa bermaksud mengaudit atau melanggar hak cipta (apalagi meniru Malaysia
), saya posting disini agar semua orang bisa membaca dan semoga bermanfaat bagi yang memerlukan.Thx.
=== ready to read it===
oleh CyberBug [Kecoak Elektronik]

Berikut ini adalah script-script yang diperlukan :
1. /usr/sbin/ppp-on
2. /usr/sbin/ppp-off
3. /etc/ppp/ppp-on-dialer
4. /etc/ppp/options
5. /etc/ppp/options.ttyS3 {ttyS3=COM4,ttyS2=COM3,ttyS1=COM2,ttyS0=COM1}
6. /etc/ppp/login
Kalau file-file diatas tidak ada di Linux Box anda, buat saja dengan
mengikuti contoh berikut
… BTW anda musti root utk buat script ini
1. ppp-on: edit bagian TELEPHONE, ACCOUNT, PASSWORD (dibagian awal script)
dan edit /dev/ttyS? dan speed (dibagian akhir script),
/dev/ttyS0 = COM1, /dev/ttsS1 = COM2 dst (di mesin saya /dev/ttyS3)
speed dimesin saya diset 115200.
Yang lainnya biarkan (jangan diganti),
Kalo modem 14400 set jadi 38400, modem 33600 set jadi 115200
———————– begin ppp-on script ————————–
# Script to initiate a ppp connection. This is the first part of the
# pair of scripts. This is not a secure pair of scripts as the codes
# are visible with the ‘ps’ command. However, it is simple.
# These are the parameters. Change as needed.
TELEPHONE=666666 # Ganti dengan nomor telp. dial up anda.
ACCOUNT=namaanda # Ganti dengan loginname anda mis: joe
PASSWORD=passwordanda # Ganti dengan password anda mis: j0nd03
LOCAL_IP= # Local IP address if known. Dynamic =
REMOTE_IP= # Remote IP address if desired. Normally
NETMASK= # The proper netmask if needed
# Export them so that they will be available at ‘ppp-on-dialer’ time.
# This is the location of the script which dials the phone and logs
# in. Please use the absolute file name as the $PATH variable is not
# used on the connect option. (To do so on a ‘root’ account would be
# a security hole so don’t ask.)
# Initiate the connection
# I put most of the common options on this command. Please, don’t
# forget the ‘lock’ option or some programs such as mgetty will not
# work. The asyncmap and escape will permit the PPP link to work with
# a telnet or rlogin connection. You are welcome to make any changes
# as desired. Don’t use the ‘defaultroute’ option if you currently
# have a default route to an ethernet gateway.
exec /usr/sbin/pppd debug lock modem crtscts /dev/ttyS3 115200 \
asyncmap 20A0000 escape FF kdebug 0 $LOCAL_IP:$REMOTE_IP \
noipdefault netmask $NETMASK defaultroute connect $DIALER_SCRIPT
———————— end ppp-on script —————————
2. ppp-off tidak perlu diedit/diutak-atik, isinya sbb:
———————– begin ppp-off script ————————-
# Determine the device to be terminated.
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
# If the ppp0 pid file is present then the program is running. Stop it.
if [ -r /var/run/$ ]; then
kill -INT `cat /var/run/$`
# If the kill did not work then there is no process running for this
# pid. It may also mean that the lock file will be left. You may wish
# to delete the lock file at the same time.
if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then
rm -f /var/run/$
echo “ERROR: Removed stale pid file”
exit 1
# Success. Let pppd clean up its own junk.
echo “PPP link to $DEVICE terminated.”
exit 0
# The ppp process is not running for ppp0
echo “ERROR: PPP link is not active on $DEVICE”
exit 1
———————– end ppp-off script ————————
3. ppp-on-dialer:
Bentuk asli dari dua (2) baris terakhir adalah:
ogin:–ogin: $ACCOUNT \
assword: $PASSWORD
Tapi karena beberapa provider saya mempunyai standar login sbb:
login :
password :
(Perhatikan ada spasi sesudah login dan password), thus tidak bisa
didetect ppp-on-dialer, jadi saya mencoba bentuk
:–: $ACCOUNT \
Dan sampai sekarang tidak ada masalah (utk semua provider saya).
——————- begin ppp-on-dialer script ——————-
# This is part 2 of the ppp-on script. It will perform the connection
# protocol for the desired connection.
exec chat -v \
ABORT ‘\nBUSY\r’ \
” \rAT \
‘OK-+++\c-OK’ ATH0 \
:–: $ACCOUNT \
——————– end ppp-on-dialer script ——————–
4. /etc/ppp/options :
———————- begin options script ———————-
asyncmap 0
lcp-echo-interval 30
lcp-echo-failure 4
———————— end options script ———————-
5. /etc/ppp/options.ttyS3 :
——————– begin options.ttyS3 script ——————
——————— end options.ttyS3 script ——————-
6. /etc/ppp/login :
———————— begin login script ———————-
dummy {yg ini bisa diisi sembarang teks}
dummy {ini juga}
————————– end login script ———————-
7. Berikut permission utk masing2 script
cyberservices:/usr/sbin# ls -la ppp-*
-r-x–x–x 1 root root 967 Jun 14 1995 ppp-off*
-r-x–x–x 1 root root 1639 Aug 30 22:42 ppp-on*
cyberservices:/etc/ppp# ls -la
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 Aug 31 23:13 ./
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 2048 Sep 2 22:00 ../
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 0 Aug 30 22:41 connect-errors
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 12 Aug 31 23:22 login
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 9672 Aug 31 22:06 options
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 51 Aug 31 23:21 options.ttyS3
-rwx—— 1 root root 384 Aug 30 22:41 ppp-on-dialer*
8. Untuk dial gunakan :
9. Oya untuk ngintip lognya coba:
tail -f /var/adm/messages
atau anda bisa bikin script yg isinya:
exec tail -f /var/adm/messages
beri nama misalnya ppplog, whatever you want, kemudian chmod +x ppplog
10. Untuk kembali ke shell, break saja (^C)
11. Untuk off koneksi ketik :
Happy Dialing,
Terbitan Online KEcoak Elektronik